Town O' Tonawanda Irish American Club The Town O' Tonawanda Irish American Club promotes a spirit of friendship and benevolence among its members; to promote and foster among its members the observation of, understanding of and appreciation of Irish tradition in all its forms. Our club is a family oriented organization.
Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Brounshidle Post in Tonawanda, NY. (No meetings in July and August) All meetings start at 7:30pm Brounshidle Post 205 3354 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, New York 14217
President * Bill McGee Vice President * Ruth Crehan Vice President * Debbie Watkins Treasurer * Lydia Conroy Secretary * Jill Rexinger-Kuhn Membership * Kathy Sullivan Ways and Means * Chuck Riley Sgt. at Arms * Rosemary Schoenwald Sgt. at Arms * Sheila Shea
St. Patrick's Day Parade and St. Patrick's Parade Day Party held at the Brounshidle Post Tonawanda Memorial Day Parade Children's Christmas Party at the Brounshidle Post Adult Christmas Party at a local restaurant Forgotten Buffalo Tours Meat Raffle Irish Club Pub Night - Annual event during the June meeting Entertainment is provided at some meetings throughout the year (music, Irish dancers)
Dues are $25.00 Family and $15.00 Individual. Payment is due in January of each year. New members are always welcome! If you are of Irish descent and interested in learning more about our club please come and join us at a meeting. For more information, contact our Membership chairman: Kathy Sullivan at 430-9795.
For more information about our club call President, Bill McGee at 874-0856 |